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Feng Shui Blog related to feng shui tips, items, Chinese horoscopes, etc.

2023 Chinese Horoscope Rooster

Overall for 2023 Chinese Horoscope Rooster: In the year of Rabbit, the energy from the house of Rabbit becomes ferocious that it rushes to the southwest, the house of zodiac Rooster. This is what generally recognized as the direct conflict with Taisui (Grand Duke Jupiter), which brings about instabilities, fluctuation, and other challenges to the… Read More »

2023 Chinese Horoscope Dog

Overall for 2023 Chinese Horoscope Dog:  The presence of two powerful benign stars Ziwei and Longde, suggest great opportunities and positive transformation. Ziwei, the promising emperor star, will favor zodiac Ram with auspicious power and intelligence, bestowing great opportunities of obtaining authority and developing talent upon one. Longde star will bless one with great benefactor… Read More »

2023 Chinese Horoscope Boar

Overall for 2023 Chinese Horoscope Boar: Since zodiac Boar is in harmony with zodiac Rabbit, Boar people will usher a year of smooth sail. However, the ominous stars Feilian (flying dagger) and Dasha(disaster) will cause undeserved ill turns, bloodshed, surgery, and other accidents. Gossips and entanglements will also occur due to the presence of gloomy… Read More »

2021 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Boar People

Overall for Chinese Horoscope Boar in 2021 Year of the Ox:   The arrivals of two powerful auspicious stars, Jieshen (resolution) and Tianjie (heavenly support) will bring one excellent backing. Signifying the elevation in the career, the favorable star Santai (high rank) will bring one some new appreciations and recognitions from one’s boss and colleagues.… Read More »

2021 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Dog People

Overall for Chinese Horoscope Dog in 2021 Year of the Ox: The general fortune will be visualized as a few progresses and occasional failures due to the presence of several propitious stars. The benign benefactor stars Tiande (heavenly Bliss) and Fuxing (lucky Star) will bring one excellent external support. However, the considerable number of the… Read More »

2021 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Rooster People

Overall for Chinese Horoscope Rooster in 2021 Year of the Ox: Zodiac Rooster will usher a year of smooth sail for being in harmony with Zodiac Ox. However, gossips and entanglements will occur since the emerging ominous star Baihu (white Tiger) attracts knaves and villains (especially from female). The other ominous stars like Feilian (flying… Read More »

2021 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Monkey People

Overall for Chinese Horoscope Monkey in 2021 Year of the Ox:  The arrivals of two powerful lucky stars Ziwei and Longde, suggests great opportunities of positive transformation. On one hand, Ziwei, the promising emperor star, will favor zodiac Ram with auspicious power and intelligence, bestowing great opportunities of obtaining authority and developing talent upon one;… Read More »

2021 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Sheep People

Overall for Chinese Horoscope Sheep in 2021 Year of the Ox: In the year of Ox, the energy from the house of Ox becomes ferocious that it rushes to the southwest, the house of zodiac Sheep. This is what generally recognized as the direct conflict with Taisui (Grand Duke Jupiter), which brings instabilities, fluctuation, and… Read More »

2021 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Horse People

Overall for Chinese Horoscope Horse in 2020 Year of the Ox:   Gradually being Out of gloomy shadow of opposing Grand Duke Jupiter, zodiac Horse enters the relatively halcyon field. The emergence of couple benign stars shed a light on Horse people’s path of fortune this year. The presence of Yuede (moon favor) implies a significant… Read More »

2021 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Snake People

Overall all for Chinese Horoscope Snake in 2021 Year of the Ox: Santai (high rank) star, signifying the elevation in the career, will bring one appreciations and recognitions from one’s superior  and colleagues. Furthermore, Zodiac Snake and Zodiac Ox are in harmonious energy combo. As a result, the year of Ox is going to be… Read More »